It’s here
Out in the woods
With a deer tick on my ass that I feel alive
Life threatening parasites everywhere
Corporation rat race
Exchanged for a forest of hunger
Exchanged for a bull’s-eye on my ass
Make sure you pull the head out
Use tweezers
Your hands aren’t good enough
It beats a bull’s-eye on your head
It beats keeping up to the pace of a desk drawn idiot on his chariot
Snapping his whip at the secretary
Spewing his tales of when he was there
All three days of misery
My legs feel itchy
Life threatening parasites everywhere
Get the tweezers
I have something to kill
really really good…I tell you it must be something in the Murray as my Frankie excels in this area also..He blows my mind with his writings as you do…Keep it up and keep posting..I so enjoy reading your work…love you <3
Thanks Aunt Angela! I have been busy with pool work so I have not been on as much but I had a tick on me the other morning and I just had to write something about it. So I quickly typed up this little poem. Thanks for reading my work…