Taunt and straight Angel cut the wire loose. The razor-sharp barbs coiled back catching him across the face. Cheek flesh ripped out, his nose opened up, the barbwire lodged in, slightly above his eyelid and just under his eyebrow. He went down screaming as Hank stood there laughing.
“I told you not to cut it like that. God damn flatlanders!” Hank shouted.
Angel had enough. With his eyelid pinned up and blood streaming down his face he reached for Hank’s leg and cut the muscle above the heel. Hank dropped to the floor no longer laughing. Pride was Angel’s Achilles heel.
Angel needs to see a shrink! lol!
I enjoyed reading this, very descriptive.
It’s difficult to make a scene come to life. You did a very good job at it!
Especially the part where Angel gets hurt by the barbwire.
Optimum utilization of the word limit!
Thanks…Angel needs a little more jail time and a shrink!
Ouch! You just reinforced my health respect for barb wire fencing. *Shudder*
I worked with this stuff. You need to respect it!
Wow, very gruesome and I know from my experience with horses, barbed wire can ruin a perfectly nice day. But Angel needs to get a grip. Nice contrast though, naming him “angel”. Great read.
Mine’s here:
Thanks Stacy! You know Hank isn’t so nice but Amgel needs to chill!
That definitely puts it into perspective about when it’s best keep your mouth shut. Vivid description, Tom.
Thanks for commenting on mine.
Thanks Siobhan for the kind words and for taking the time to read my post.
Whoa! Angel is an exquisite name for such souless person. I think I will NEVER laugh at her. 🙂 Intense from the first word–Well done!
Angel is a guy….I would never laugh at him. You called him a girl, you better run!
OH I liked how Angel got his revenge. I don’t know whether to cheer or what for the poor soul. Great story. Here’s my not exactly 100 word shortie:
LOL…Best bet is just stay away. Thanks for the comments.
Ick! I mean, that’s going to be some serious facial surgery! These are some brutal folk here. Nice story telling and thanks for commenting on mine! 🙂
That has to hurt. LOL! Thanks for commenting on mine as well.
I love how focused the image is — I wasn’t expecting that! Very violent imagery (well portrayed). I wasn’t sure if we were on Earth or elsewhere. You may want to check commas and such in the future.
Thanks Stacey….
I’m waiting patiently for your first novel. 🙂
Thanks Kim, when I finish it I will let you know!
Hope I never meet up with the likes of these two…but glad Angel had enough strength to fight back by slicing the muscle above Hank’s heel. Perfect last line: Pride was Angel’s Achilles Heel. Here’s mine:
Thanks Lora…I really enjoyed your take on the prompt this week. You gave me a good laugh. Thanks for stopping by… Tom
Ouch! That an angry man! He’s no Angel!
Don’t mess with an Angel! Thanks for stopping in…Tom
Oh my, that’s quite brutal. Not one for the squeamish. Great job.
A bit brutal if I say so myself…..Thanks Emma!