Vegan Poem

  Some say the world is divided between the strong and weak So don’t sit across the table from me if you are meek The…

Morning Sunshine

Woke to the sound of horses They live on the second floor, The neighbors across the way are putting in a railroad Through all this…

Poets That Inspire Me

Here are a few poems and poets that inspire me Dylan Thomas Under Milk Wood Charles Bukowski Bluebird    Please feel free to add…

Thin Skin

Crumbled A Fall leaf Under A Young Child’s Foot. A fragment Of what he use to be. Helpless and Alone. Tumbling Under The Power Of…

The Twenty Second Poem

When I write I write freely You can hate the “ly” all you want but it’s the truth Knobby and rough around the edges My…


You have a touch of me baby Hard to call you that When you are the oldest When you were the one All my dreams…


I am pushing my head tonight Filling it with smoke and booze Its cause last night I was on the porch Under the awning Thinking…

Stutter And Stop

I have to figure a few things out but this is me doing a reading of Stutter and Stop.  After the title there are NO…